Top Knot

Mandarin Garden's Netsuke mit Superlion / United Kingdom

The hair of the Shih Tzu will be held with an elasticband on top of his head. This is called a Top Knot.

There are many ways of doing this. For the shows in the UK and in the nothern countries of europ, the dog is shown with just an elastic. In the USA, Canada, Asia and many european countries the Shih Tzu is shown wearing a bow. Since under FCI reglement it is not allowed to use haispray or doing a big amount of grooming at the show the dog will be shown in a more natural looking way. In some countries you can see the dogs with very stylish Top Knots.

Ch. Wynovers Letitbe Lashalimar / Canada

Since many people ask me how to do a Top Knot which holds longer than one hour. I show you a way of doing a casual Top Knot for the life inbetween the shows. Many pet people and newcomers do it to tight which can lead into a scratching dog, which rubs his head around the carpet. All this can lead into eye injuries.

1. Make two plait in front  together and one behind

2 .  tie the two together, with two or three elastics depending on the length of hair

3. bend it to the side

4.  slide it underneath

5. pull it to the other side

6. finished!

Like this the weight of the hair will not pull the top knot back.



Mandarin Garden's Shih Tzu

cité Westerfeld 24

F - 67340 Rothbach


Tel: 0033 (0)3 88 89 37 36

mobil : 06 14 48 11 89

Last update 02/02/2025


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